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Our Story

Intercultural Communities Project (ICP) facilitates ongoing projects within the developing movement to promote and empower communities of people from multiple cultures to effectively communicate and engage across cultures. In this evergrowing multicultural world, there is an organic need for individuals and communities to be supported as they navigate their intercultural lives. 


Human interest to explore cultures and travel and the flux of multicultural and multilingual people immigrating to monocultural and monolingual communities has made intercultural contact inevitabable. Whether intercultural communication takes place in-person or through the latest technological advancements, there should be a support system and platform for successful communication to take place. ICP is such a support system and platform for intercultural communities.


For ICP, effective intercultural communication and engagement includes cultural awareness, intercultural competence, and intentional practice to be culturally appropriate in approaches and impactful in outcomes. In effort to empower people from different cultures to move from simply coexisting together to understanding the various cultures around them and interacting between cultures, ICP is working to help bridge, build, and sustain these intercultural communities. 

An Intercultural Community is a community with people from two or more cultures effectively communicating and engaging between multiple cultures. This community embraces the diversity of people and perspectives and intentionally encourages the inclusion of everyone in the community.

Our Mission

OUR MISSION is to bridge, build, and sustain strong intercultural communities with youth and adults by providing intercultural education and training, cross-cultural exchange opportunities, community engagement, empowerment, and leadership skills.

OUR VISION is to support all youth and adults in becoming agents of cultural change in the intercultural communities developing around them and throughout the world. 


We curate and promote projects related to, involving, or representing different cultures in communities around the world. 

We connect communities to culture through international travel and intercultural competence training. 

We help individuals understand the value of building strong intercultural communities and centering culture in their daily lives.

We help organizations empower and support their internal and external intercultural community members and apply an intercultural competence lens on their services and work.

We train individuals to be culturally competent in intercultural contact by helping them gain awareness of their own world view(s) and developing skills for communication and interaction across cultures.

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