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ICP Community

ICP uses its team and resources to serve as bridgers, builders, and sustainers for and within intercultural communities. We collaborate with local and international intercultural community members, service providers, and/or supporters to meet the needs of intercultural communities, expand the movement and maximize the impact. 

ICP curates and promotes projects related to, involving, or representing different cultures in communities around the world.

ICP connects individuals and communities to culture through international travel and intercultural competence training.

ICP helps individuals understand the value of building and sustaining strong intercultural communities and centering culture in their daily lives.

ICP helps organizations empower and support their internal and external intercultural community members and apply an intercultural competence lens on their services and work.

ICP trains individuals to be culturally competent in intercultural contact by helping them gain awareness of their own world view(s) and developing skills for communication and interaction across cultures.

ICP Youth & Adult Partner Programs 

ICP Community Projects COMING SOON...

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