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ICP Travel

ICP connects individuals and communities to culture through international travel and intercultural competence training for culture immersion and intercultural practice.

Travel to Africa

In 2019, we began connecting members of the African Diaspora to Africa. We charged African descendants in our networks to be intentional about traveling to and throughout the African continent and the African Diaspora.


With support from our travel partner, ICP hosted its inaugural travel group in Nigeria and Ghana, West Africa for ICP's "Nigerian & Ghanaian Jollof" travel experience. We were inspired by the increased interest in travel to the continent of Africa and the embrace of African culture. We joined the Year of Return movement inviting the African Diaspora to Ghana. August 2019 marked the 400th year anniversary since the the start of transatlantic slave trade which started on/around August 20, 1619. Ghana was a hub for the slave trade between the 1600s-1900s. In 2019 Ghana President, Nana Akufo-Addo, launched the “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” for Africans in the Diaspora. ICP was excited to join this movement and guide a group to & through Ghana.


We believe that there is value in members of the African Diaspora traveling to Africa to explore their origins, seek their truth, make their own connections to and draw their conclusions about the continent of Africa! In effort for Africa to connect with descendants of Africa, those who have the connections to the continent must help others make the connections! With this in mind, ICP has taken on this role of connector and charges African descendants to be intentional about traveling to and throughout the African continent and the African Diaspora.

december 2019/January 2020, made our return!


Travel to Other Countries & Continents

ICP curates travel experiences based on individual and group interest and cultural movements. We provide intercultural education and facilitation to ensure that travelers have a culturally appropriate travel experience. We connect travelers to our travel partners and offer pre-travel, in-country, and post-travel planning, training, and support including:

  • Travel, lodging, meal, & activity planning and logistical support (including an itinerary with cultural based activities and tour guides throughout trip)

  • Cultural guide with culture general and culture specific information to prepare for travel

  • Pre-travel training on intercultural competence and in-country/post-travel debriefs to discuss the travel experience and for intercultural practice

Intercultural Experiences 

While travel is an impactful way to have intercultural experienes, it's not the only way. ICP supports indivuals and groups connect with intercultural communities in their local environments. We ideate, plan, train, and facilitate full experiences or activities based on individual and group interest and cultural movements. We provide intercultural education and facilitation to ensure tha participants have a culturally appropriate intercultural experience. Some local and practical experiences and activities include:

  • Service opportunities in multicultural / multilingual communities (refugee and immigrant communities)

  • Intercultural exchanges between monocultural / monlingual youth and adults and multicultural / multilingual youth and adults

  • Subject of interest based projects within intercultural communities

  • International food and beverage tastings and tours

  • Culture specific museum and gallery tours

  • Culture specific cooking lessons

  • Culture specific book club content with an intercultural lens applied in book reviews

  • Other culture specific educational and social events for cultural exchange

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